We always welcome referrals from other physicians, mental health professionals, and clinics. We will work closely with you regarding the health of the patient.
At the Brain Treatment Center, we are happy to work together with you in order to provide the best possible outcomes for our patients. We understand that to accomplish the best possible outcome for a patient, a combination of therapies will achieve the best possible results.
Our physician, Dr. Gilbert Mbeo, is also happy to speak with you and go over our treatment protocols along with answering any questions you may have.
You can fax a referral to: 407-887-1025, or simply fill in the form below and we will ensure that we send you reports of treatment along with any diagnostics completed so that you are well informed. Collaboration is the key to getting the best possible patient results!
Physician Referral
Refer a Patient to the Brain Treatment Center. To refer a patient to us, please complete the form below. Our team will follow up with the patient directly, or we will contact you by phone or email with any questions. We look forward to doing all we can to provide further help for your patients.